Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Get on the move campaign III: Always Pad

This is the final ad in the 'Get on the move campaign' for the Always brand. It has been a very interesting ride, with all the brain storming sessions and all the beautiful comments to grace it. I must appreciate you all for your comments and suggestions.

On a lighter note, I am really thinking about this Blogville idol 2008 contest and I think I would love to join in the contest! I am not much of a good singer but I love to sing! I am going to do this for my love for music and I hope you guys would wish me luck!

I am really getting so weary about this Youth Service year and I can't wait for it to be over. The weather here in the North has been so unbearable and to the extreme. When it rains, it appears as if the heavens would crumble to the earth and when the sun comes up, you would wish the rain hasn't stopped! What a world of antithesis!

I am working on a post on Branding with emphasis on the Nigerian Banking Industry. I would be exploring their brand achetypes with a view to suggesting ways to building a stronger brand which can deliver on its brand promise as well as take customers through the brand experience. I should have this published next week.

In the mean time, I would appreciate your criticism, comments and suggestions on this ad!

A period
shouldn't end
your statement

Get on the move with

Always logo from P&G website

Monday, 9 June 2008

'Get on the move' campaign II (Always Pad)

This copywriting thing isn't as easy as I thought it was. At the point when you are thinking you have really cracked the brief then, the sledge hammer comes down on your creative and makes a nonsense of it! Lol! One just have to keep on learning and moving because it takes that extra squeeze to get the creative juice out sometimes. So go on baby, squeeze me! Lol!

It is on this note I would want to appreciate everyone who dropped a comment and suggestion on my last Always pad campaign. I noticed that most of the comments and suggestions were based on the suitablility of the graphics. As much as I am not a graphic person but an aspiring copywriter cum brand strategist, I try not to give a hint of the product from my graphics like we have in the mainstream ad concepts (I realise I still have to keep it simple). This is why most of my graphics don't really have a direct relationship with the product but such relationship exist at the inferential level. The copy explains that better...
'Your ON days shouldn't be your OFF days! Get on the MOVE with always' Just trying to play on the colours of the traffic light!

Well, based on popular demand, I have decided to work on my graphics and lets see how much this print ad can sell our product-always.

It is still the same campaign. Although, I have made some changes on my graphic concept but the copy might read differently but it means the same! So what's your take on this???

Your FLOW days
shouldn't be your SLOW days!

Get on the MOVE with

Always logo from P&G website

Thursday, 5 June 2008

'Get on the move campaign' Always pad!

To all those who have helped in getting this far with their comments, observations and honest criticisms on the 'use a condom campaign', I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU!
I hope that is big enough!

So much about the men and the need to use a condom. I think it's time we talked about women!Lets talk about sanitary towels...

While I was at Orange Academy, my group was charged with the responsibility of coming up with a Brand/creative strategy on 'Always sanitary pad' one of the products of Procter and Gamble (P&G)! We had to come up with a brand strategy which would ultmately lead to the creative. We carried out a survey to identify the motivation for the use of always sanitary pad among Nigerian women at the 'moment' and we had a tie between safety/security and self esteem.
Looking at Brand quadrants, safety and security falls under quadrant 1, while love and self esteem constitute quadrant 4. Since ALWAYS as a brand is positioned in quadrant 1 (safety and security) as reflected in most of their ads, we decided to reposition the brand by moving it from Q1 to Q4(Self esteem) using the approach-approach method. The mainstream ALWAYS brand promises 'protection' but we changed ours to 'confidence', since we have repositioned the brand and this form the basis for our creative.

We finally came up with a print ad that reads 'Wet But Confident' with a picture of a diva who is drenched, revealing her curves and giving it a sexual appeal, yet she is still going about her entertaining business in style , exuding much confidence! We adopted the same copy for other print ads under this campaign, only that the character changes on each occasion but it must reflect an active woman who is unusually wet, yet going about her business with confidence!

I decided to take a cue from that and I came up with this print ad. I will call this the 'get on the move campaign'.

Lets see what you think about this...

Your ON days
shouldn't be your OFF days!

Get on the MOVE with...

Always logo from P&G website

Monday, 2 June 2008

'Use a Condom' campaign III

This is going to be the last ad on this particular campaign. I would have to move to another brand and I would let you know what brand that would be soon.

I have decided to take a different dimension in designing an Ad concept for the 'use a condom campaign'. I want to assume that the Nigerian Government conducted a research which gave a startling revelation that form the basis of my consumer insight ( A statement which portrays the consumer in conflict and the brand in resolution)...' sexually active Nigerian men do not use a condom during sexual intercourse because they are apprehensive about the size of their genitals'... (Remember this is just an ASSUMPTION!!!).
Armed with this fact, I have to design an Ad concept that would identify with the fear and phobia of my consumers (A shadow brand would fit perfectly into the picture) as well as correct all misconceptions.

Not forgetting, I also have to take them through the experience! Hmmm...How do I crack this brief???

Well, I finally came up with this! Lets see what you have to say...

What's your size?


use a condom always...